SGK Goalie Training
Send us an email at Info@soccergenome.com to schedule an evaluation session. We will let you know the date of the evaluaiton for the class. Once you have completed your evaluation, we will accept you into the class or recommend private training with a private instructor.
Monthly training fee: $150 per month, due on the first of each month.
Enrollment Fee: $65 (Re-Enrollment Fee within the year: $35)
Families wishing to discontinue training must submit their withdrawal request by the 15th of the month VIA EMAIL (Example: Request to withdraw for April must be submitted VIA EMAIL no later than March 15).
All training sessions once scheduled are non - refundable. We do not offer credits, reschedules, or make up sessions for missed private training sessions.
Individual Sessions
1 Session drop in: $80
4 pack of sessions: $300 ($75/session)
10 pack of sessions: $700 ($70/session)
Small Group Sessions
1 session drop in: $45
4 pack of sessions: $160 per player ($40/session)
10 pack of sessions: $400 per player ($40/session)
SG does not form small groups. Parent must coordinate with teammates in order to form small groups
Invoice will be sent once sessions have been scheduled! Register below.
SGK is only being offered on Sundays
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving (Wednesday and Thursday)
Christmas/New Years: December 24th - January 3rd